Hello, I'm Avinash.
I'm a Frontend & Blockchain Application Developer
My skills
I aim towards crafting seamless web experiences with Next.js & React, while pushing the boundaries of blockchain development with Solidity, Hardhat, & Ethers.js. Building the future of the web using decentralized solutions with astonishing UI for smoothness like native apps.
My projects
This is an AI-powered entertainment recommendation platform. It offers personalized content suggestions for movies, TV shows, and anime using Google Gemini. The platform integrates live data from TMDB API & Google Gemini API for Recommendations
- Next.js
- AI Recommendations
Recipe App
Built using React.js and Tailwind CSS, this app allows users to search for recipes and manage their favorites. It features dynamic routing and is styled with Tailwind’s utility-first classes for a sleek and responsive UI.
- React
- Tailwind
Job Portal Landing Page
Built using Next.js, NextAuth, and Tailwind CSS, this landing page features a responsive and modern design styled with Tailwind. Includes authentication by NextAuth for secure login & sign-up, optimized routing with Next.js 14 for dynamic navigation.
- Next.js
- NextAuth
- Tailwind
Interest Calculator Platform
Built with React.js, this platform calculates simple and compound interest. It is styled using Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI, routed with react-router-dom, and offers a perfectly responsive design for all screen sizes with a smooth, native app-like experience.
- React
- Tailwind
- Daisy UI
- react-router-dom
Travel Bag Planner
A Travel Bag Planner that offers a documentation interface to help users remember items to pack. Features include adding and marking items as packed, sorting by default, packed, or unpacked status, marking all items as complete or incomplete, and resetting to the initial state.
- React
- Tailwind
This is an AI-powered entertainment recommendation platform. It offers personalized content suggestions for movies, TV shows, and anime using Google Gemini. The platform integrates live data from TMDB API & Google Gemini API for Recommendations
- Next.js
- AI Recommendations
Recipe App
Built using React.js and Tailwind CSS, this app allows users to search for recipes and manage their favorites. It features dynamic routing and is styled with Tailwind’s utility-first classes for a sleek and responsive UI.
- React
- Tailwind
Job Portal Landing Page
Built using Next.js, NextAuth, and Tailwind CSS, this landing page features a responsive and modern design styled with Tailwind. Includes authentication by NextAuth for secure login & sign-up, optimized routing with Next.js 14 for dynamic navigation.
- Next.js
- NextAuth
- Tailwind
Interest Calculator Platform
Built with React.js, this platform calculates simple and compound interest. It is styled using Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI, routed with react-router-dom, and offers a perfectly responsive design for all screen sizes with a smooth, native app-like experience.
- React
- Tailwind
- Daisy UI
- react-router-dom
Travel Bag Planner
A Travel Bag Planner that offers a documentation interface to help users remember items to pack. Features include adding and marking items as packed, sorting by default, packed, or unpacked status, marking all items as complete or incomplete, and resetting to the initial state.
- React
- Tailwind
My Education
Completed my schooling from St. Mary's School, with 89% in final highschool year.
2022Graduation (BCA)
Currently pursuing my bachalors in Computer Applications from Jagran Lakecity University.
2022-2025Contact Me
My Information
Name: Avinash Kumar Singh
Country: India
Email: avinashkumarsingh619@gmail.com
Socials:LinkedIn (formerly Twitter)GitHub